1. Hello Waving Hand

    I'm Miljan, a Software Engineer with a passion for innovation and more than six years of experience in the tech industry. My career is dedicated to solving complex problems, leading significant tech initiatives, and mentoring budding engineers. This journey has been all about excellence, teamwork, and continuous learning.

  2. Professional Experience

    Currently, I am a Senior Software Engineer at FishingBooker. In this role, I lead efforts to enhance our platform's functionality and user experience, contributing significantly to our growth and success. My role merges deep technical expertise with leadership, promoting professional development and project excellence.

  3. Before FishingBooker, I worked with two dynamic companies, developing advanced solutions for high-profile clients, including VISA and Samsung. These roles focused on streamlining system efficiencies and creating innovative software solutions, laying a solid foundation for my expertise and passion for technology.

  4. Education & Beyond

    I am nearing the completion of my Bachelor of Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Computer Science (RAF). As an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, I've had the opportunity to share my enthusiasm for technology with students, further enriching my educational journey.

  5. Skills & Personal Projects

    I specialize in PHP (Symfony, Laravel), Java (Spring), SQL, HTML, CSS, and JS. I am a firm believer in Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design. Beyond professional work, I engage in personal projects like RetryMaster and WeightedRatings, which allow me to creatively apply my skills to real-world challenges.

  6. Why do I Blog?

    This blog reflects my software engineering journey. It's a place to share insights, tackle challenges, and dive into the wonders of technology with others who share a passion for engineering and innovation. Whether you're here for advice, inspiration, or simply to follow my journey, I'm thrilled to have you.

  7. Thank you for stopping by. Together, let's explore the limitless possibilities of technology.